Socio economic characteristics Socio economic characteristics
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4.1 Urban Economy and Role of the Town

There are six manufacturing industries, 51 wholesale trades, 412 retail trades, 427 services, two garage and two fuel stations in the town. The capital of the firms was 52,646,350 ETB and they totally created job opportunity for 1126 people. Omo Micro Finance, Wisdom Micro Finance and Commercial Bank of Ethiopia are the main financial institution in the town. There are 4155 unemployment people in the town. The major investment opportunities in the town are:- hotel and trade activities

Boditi has economic linkages with different towns. The town gets grain product, agricultural inputs and labor from Damot Dale woreda while livestock is obtained from Wolayita. On the other hand; manufacturing and commercial product are supplied to the town from Addis Ababa, Shashemene and Hawassa. Natural resources (fuel wood and charcoal) come from Damota Dale and Damot Woyde while construction materials are supplied to the town from Wolayita area.

4.2 Social and Municipal Services

Social Services


There are eleven five kindergartens; one private and four government primary schools; three private and three government junior secondary schools; one government high school including preparatory, two government TVETs and two private colleges.


Regarding health services, there are two private clinics in the town. Six health officers and 16 nurses give service in the health facilities.

Municipal services

Boditi town has meeting hall, ambulance, public library, abattoir, general market meeting on Tuesday and Saturday, cattle and daily market.  Solid waste in the town is collected using horse-drown carts and disposed in open dump site. One Micro and Small Enterprise association is engaged in solid waste collection. Liquid waste is collected using rental vacuum truck while public toilets with six blocks and 32 rooms are available in the town. There are urban greenery, forest and street trees planted along secondary roads in the town. There are sport fields, museum and rivers in the town. Regarding religious services there are two churches for Orthodox Christians, seven churches for Protestants, one mosque for Muslims in the town. 

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