Infrastructure,Housing and service Infrastructure,Housing and service
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5.1 Infrastructure

Bonga town is located along the road to Mizan Aman from Jimma. Regarding the roads in the town there are 470 m gravel road connecting the town from the national road, 470 m local road, 500m cobblestone road, 2.5 km stone paved road and while the remaining are compacted earth roads.

Piped water supply service was started in the town since 1978. Currently there are 1139 private connections, 228 commercial connections and 16 public taps in the town. There is water development project with a 52 million Birr obtained from the federal and regional governments. This project has increased the supply of clean drinking water to 43%.

Electric supply was introduced in the town since 1975. The town gets 24 hours electric supply from the national grid. The town has wireless, mobile and fixed telephone lines, internet services, and a postal service with 295 boxes and 133 customers. The present postal service was established in 1964 during the governorship of Ras Desta Damtew and currently has 295 boxes and 133 customers.

5.2 Housing

In the town there are 316 low-cost houses, 1274 private houses, 956 houses used for commercial functions, 348 houses used for administration a total of 2894 houses.

5.2 Transport

The bus station in the town is not as such suitable, however it is fenced and surfaced with gravel and has entrance and exit and office. In the town there are two fuel stations, four garages and five tire services.