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4.1 Urban Economy and Status of the Town

The town is administration and trade center.  Dilla town is established on the Ethio-Kenya high way and as a result it has considerable share in trade activities and the amount of capital invested in the area is quite large when compared to other towns in the zone. Most of the trade activities are in one or another related to coffee since the area is well known for growing exporting standard coffee. 

As to tourism, Gedeo zone is the museum of nationalities and their traditional, cultural & wealth and a place of many impressive natural types of landscape. Some of the tourist attraction areas include Dilla Shete (Monolithic), Chelba (Monolithic), Tuftifi (Monolithic), Odomike hot spring etc. Lake Abaya,about 50kms from Dilla is certainly one of the potential tourist sites of the zone .

 4.2 Social and Municipal Services

Social services


There are 20 kindergartens; 31primary schools; two secondary schools; one preparatory and one government TVET schools in the town.


In Dilla town, there is one Hospital; two government health centers, private clinics and government and private pharmacies.

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