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1.1 Location

Dilla is located in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, in Gedeo Zone, Dilla Zuria Wereda at a distance of 356 Km from Addis Ababa and at 86 km from the Regional capital Hawassa, at distance of 56 kilometers south of Yirgalem and 40 kilometers south of Aletawendo. Its astronomical location is 6°20’ North Latitude and 38°13’ East Longitude.

1.2 Foundation

Dilla was founded in 1918 with establishment of a customs post to tax the passing merchants by the order of Dejazmach Balcha Abanefeso, the then governor of Sidama. Long before Dilla’s emergence as a town, the area served as a passage way of the trade route that used to connect Shewa to the south. The rest part of today’s Dilla was a forest Zone & home of wild animals. Besides, it served as a tax collection custom post and temporary station of merchants. In order to cater services to the merchant’s, people began to construct huts where Tella, Tejj & the likes were sold. These activities led to the evolvement of an open market where both local & imported items such as coffee, cattle: Abujedid : Merdofa and others were Sold. Dilla town is one of the reform towns in the region and it has got second grade status. According to the new structural arrangement the town is divided into three sub cities and nine keblles.

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