General Background General Background
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1.1 Location

Arbaminch is found in southern part of Ethiopia in South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, Gamo Gofa Zone at a distance 505 km from Addis Ababa, and 280 km from Hawassa the regional capital. Its astronomical location is 06ºC 05’ North latitude and 37ºC 38’ East longitude.

1.2 Foundation

 The city was founded in 1962 when the capital of Gamo Gofa province was

 transferred from Chencha to Arbaminch town and since then has served as

 capital of Gamo Gofa province, North Omo Surrounding Administration, and

 currently is capital of Gamo Gofa Zone. The town got its name from the 40

 springs flowing from the rock located in the nearby dense forest. Arbaminch is

 one of the 22 reform towns in the region and has a city administration

consisting of 18 offices, Municipality and 11 kebelles. The town has a structure

plan prepared by the Regional Urban Organization Plan Preparation Core

Process in 2008 and Local Development Plan for the core areas prepared by a

private consultant in 2012.

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