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 1.1 Location

Aleta Wendo town is found in Southern part of Ethiopia, in South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, at a distance of 339 and at 64 km from Hawassa the regional capital and 11 km from Chuko town on the Asphalt road that takes to Kenya. Its astronomical location is 06ºC 18’ North and 6ºC 49’ East. The town is bordered in the north by Gidabo, in northeastern by Saecha, in south by Kawato, in eastern by Bultuma and in the west by Tetera as well as by Leso peasant association.

1.2 Foundation

The town was founded in 1917 during the reign of Minilik. The main factors for its establishment were the traders who used to commute from the center of the country to border areas and vice versa who used it as their center. Its role as political and administrative center, the expansion of trade and establishment of market center and the presence of conducive climate were few of the factors for its establishment.

Aleta Wendo had a green grazing land and there were two clans who quarreled and shouted “Aleta” which has a meaning of to “shout” in Sidama language and it retained this name till date. The then Aleta Wendo has different local areas/villages known by Sidetagna Safar, Caffee Safar, Mesalemiya Safar, Qera Safar, Giyorgis Safar and Mission Safar. Aleta Wendo municipality was established in 1944. In 2002/2003 the SNNP Regional State Works and Urban Development study has classified Aleta Wendo town to be the 4th level emerging town of the region in addition to its municipal status and as a result the town is one of the 22 reform towns in the region.



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