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 1.1 Location

Mizan-Aman town is located in Southern part of Ethiopia in SNNPR State, Bench-Maji Zone at a Distance of 561 Km from Addis Ababa and 836 Km from Hawass the Regional capital, 50Km and 230Km from Tepi and Jimma towns respectively. Its astronomical location is o6o 48’N and 35o 26’E.

1.2 Foundation

In 1944 the present capital of Bench- Maji zone, Mizan Teferi (Mizan- Aman after 2003) was born .The prime mover of this event was Captain Alemayehu Filate, who coined the name and took the first significant step in the establishment of the town. Following his victory over Bench fighters, Captain Alemayehu took the initiative to establish a garrison in the area to control the people. In this regard, he chose the present day Mizan- Teferi as his center. According to elders, Fitawrari Alemayehu Filate is said to have coined the name “Mizan -Teferi” to the town, to mean” Teferi is fair” in his governance. It was named on the birthday celebration of emperor Hailesilassie on 24 July 1944  just to glorify and commemorate him. The municipal status of Mizan Teferi was given in 1952. As to tourism, the zone is endowed with various natural attractions and religious sites. The southwest Ethiopia in general and the Bench-Maji zone in particular is a home where multitudes of people with different languages are living by interlinking to each other. Similarly; as to the cultural heritages of the Bench, Sheko, Meinet, Dizi, Surma (suri), and Bali (Zelmamu) have their own identities in terms of dietary habit, hair cut style, dressing style, Jewels worship, ways of living etc. Of these nationalities, the nation of Surma captures the attention of tourists and other visitors because they have peculiar jewels and ways of being jeweled. Similarly, Donga (sagine), stick fighting is attracting events of the area. As to tourism, the zone is endowed with various natural attractions and religious sites. Mizan- Aman is one of the reform towns in the Region and it has a city administration having a third grade status and it has five kebelles, ten sub-kebelles and 45 localities. The population distribution /density of the town is 1310 person per square kilometer or 13 person per hectare. In 1987 topographic map for the town was prepared by Ministry Of Urban Development and Housing (MUDH).Following this, in 1989 development plan for the town was prepared by National Urban Planning Institute (NUPI).  The structure plan of Mizan-Aman town is prepared by SNNPRS Works & Urban Development bureau in 2009.


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