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1.1 Location

Sawla town is located in southern part of Ethiopia, in South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, Gamo Gofa Zone at a distance of 516 km from Addis Ababa, 305 km from Hawassa the regional capital and 285 km from the Arbaminch the Zonal capital. Its astronomical location is 6ºC 47’ North latitude and 36º52’ East longitude.  

1.2 Foundation

The town was founded in 1959 during the reign of Emperor Hayile Silassie. The main factors for its foundation were its conducive climate and environment, fertile soil, suitability for expansion of infrastructure, the presence of airport at that time, availability of water and different spices including coffee and its importance as business center.  In 1963 the Gamo Gofa Awuraja has been transferred to Sawla from Bulki and this has played a role for the relative fast infrastructure and structural development of the town. The ancient name of Sawla is Felege Newaye. Sawla town has got its present name from “Sa’awula” a Gofa word and which means “the gate of land”.  This name was given because Sawla was serving as the center of business for the surrounding districts. In 2002/2003 the SNNP Regional State Works and Urban Development Bureau study has classified it as one of the city administration in the region Sawla is one of the reform towns in the region and has a municipal status consisting of urban kebelle.  and the town got the first plan in 1965. The town has got the current plan in 2002.

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