General Background General Background
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 1.1 Location

Tepi town is located in Southern part of Ethiopia in SNNPR State, Shaka Zone at a distance of 889Km from Addis Ababa and 611Km from Hawass the Regional capital as well as at 87Km from the Zonal center. Its astronomical location is 060 59’ N and 350 15’E.

1.2 Foundation

The town was founded in 1919.  Before Tepi got a township status, the surrounding area was covered by a dense natural forest in which different groups of wild animals were inhibited with a very few human settlements in a widely scattered manner. With the establishment of Giorgis Church and the beginning of traditional school by one Monk within the church, people were attracted from different areas to settle in the place. This settlement has gradually increased and it has led to the establishment of town. According to the information obtained from the informants, the cause for the establishment of the town is directly associated with the establishment of Giorgis Church together with the traditional school which have played the role to fasten the urbanization rate of the town. Tepi  is one of the reform towns in the Region and it has a city administration consisting of three kebelles. The town has a structural plan which is under preparation by 2013.







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