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1.1 Location

Jinka is located in southern part of Ethiopia in South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, South Omo Zone at a Distance of 750 km from Addis Ababa and 525 Km from Hawassa the regional capital. Its astronomical location is 5ºC 78’ N & 36ºC 38 56’ E.  The town is bordered by Girish hills in the north, by public water taps in the south to the road of karat, by the Arkish hills in the east and by the school in the west.

1.2 Foundation

Before its establishment, the area of Jinka was covered with dense forest and it was full of wild Animals according to information from elderly. The city was founded in 19th century as a village and the main factors for its foundation includes its conducive climate and environment, fertile soil, its location at the center for administrative purpose, and suitable land for the expansion of the town are the major ones.  Accordingly, the former Bako Gazer administrator Major Asswfew G/meakel had transferred the capital from Hamar to Jinka in the 19th century and the town was founded. During this period administrative offices as well as Neri primary school was established. The town had different villages with different names such as Alga, Tena Adama, Arkisha, Wallo Safar Museum areas.

Jinka town has got its present name from the community living in the Alga area that are called Ari ethnic group.  The community who lives in Alga area was used to be attacked by malaria and they were used to be named as “Janka” which has equivalent meaning of strong like a thread and the town has got its present name from this and this name continued till this date according to the information obtained from the town administration. The existing data shows that the Jinka municipality was established during Dergue regime due to its trade center and attraction sites and it was serving as the capital city of Bako Gazer district. The town got municipal status in 1974, when the Dergue nationalized urban land and extra houses by proclamation No/47/1974. Since 1994 the town was organized in higher municipality consisting three urban Kebelles.  In 2003 the SNNP Regional State Works and Urban Development Bureau study has classified it as one of the reform towns in the region.

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