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1.1 Location

Butajira town is located in South Nations and Nationalities Peoples Regional State, in Guraghe zone, Meskan woreda, at a distance of 135 km from Addis Ababa and 158 km from Awassa the regional capital  and  223 km  from Wolkite the zonal capital. Its astronomical location is 7º 71’ to 8º 45’ North Latitude & 37º 99’ to 37º 71 East Longitude.


1.2 Foundation

Butajira town was founded in 1936. Butajira is one of the reform towns in the region, and has a town administration, municipality and five

kebeles. The town has a structure plan.




   For More Info:-   የከተማው  የተመሰረተበት ዘመን፣ መገኛ፣ ዓመታዊ የአየር ፀባይ ሁኔታ




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