ተቋማዊ ለውጥ አስፈፃሚ


አገራችን ባለፉት ሁለት አስርት አመታት ፈጣን ኢኮኖሚያዊና ማህበራዊ እድገት ያስመዘገበችው በመንግስት የሚመሩ የልማት ሃይሎች ተባብረውና ተባብረው በመስራታቸው ነው። አሁን ባለው ሂደት ለውጡ ከከተማው ማህበረሰብ ይልቅ የገጠሩ ማህበረሰብን ተጠቃሚ አድርጓል። ለዚህም ምክንያቱ በአንድ በኩል በከተሞች ውስጥ የሰፈነው የኪራይ ሰብሳቢነት አመለካከት፣ በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ አመራሩ፣ ፈፃሚዎች እና ፈጻሚዎች ቢሆኑ ሊገኙ ከሚችሉ ፋይዳዎች ጋር ተያይዞ በሚሰጠው መመሪያ ላይ የግንዛቤ ክፍተት ሊሆን ይችላል። በዘርፉ በተለያዩ እርከኖች የሚገኙ የልማት ዕቅዶች ባለድርሻ አካላት በቅንጅት ተሳትፈዋል።

በመሆኑም የከተሞች ማህበረሰቦች ሀገሪቱ በመልካም አስተዳደርና በልማት ዘርፍ እያስመዘገበች ያለውን የተፋጠነ ለውጥ ፋይዳውን ለመቅዳት እንዲሁም ሀገሪቱን ከግብርና መር ወደ ኢንዱስትሪ መር ኢኮኖሚ ለማሸጋገር የተያዘውን ግብ ለማሳካት በትኩረት መስራት ያስፈልጋል። የኪራይ ሰብሳቢነት አመለካከትና ተግባርን በመዋጋት ልማታዊ ፖለቲካል ኢኮኖሚ ለመገንባት ቁርጠኛ መሆን። በዚህ ረገድ ትክክለኛ አስተሳሰብና ክህሎት ያለው አመራር በማፍራት በተለያዩ የከተማ ልማት አካባቢዎች ሊሰማሩ የሚገቡ የልማት ሃይሎቻችንን እምቅ አቅም አውጥቶ የነዚህን ሃይሎች አመለካከትና ክህሎት በመለየት ወደ ስራ መግባት እንዳለበት ተረድቷል። የጋራ ጠላታችን – ድህነትን በጋራ መዋጋት – አላስፈላጊ የሀብት ብክነት በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው። ከዚሁ ጋር ተያይዞ የልማት እቅዶቻችን በተደራጀ፣ ቀልጣፋና ዉጤታማ አመራር በሚሰጥ አካል እና ዕቅዶቹን በንቃት የሚተገብር የከተማ ልማት ሃይል በማቋቋም ቅልጥፍናን ማምጣት ይገባል።

በመሆኑም የከተማ ልማትና ኮንስትራክሽን ሚኒስቴር የሪፎርም አመራር አመራርና ትግበራ ሃይልን የማፍራት ሂደት በትክክለኛ አመለካከትና ተፈላጊ ችሎታ የመቆጣጠር እና የመደገፍ ተግባርና ኃላፊነት የተጣለበት የማስፈጸሚያ አቅም ግንባታና ማሻሻያ አስተዳደር ቢሮ አቋቁሟል። በሚኒስቴር መስሪያ ቤቱም ሆነ በሥሩ ባሉ ሴክተሮች ቀልጣፋ፣ ግልጽ እና ግልጽ አደረጃጀትና የአሠራር ሥርዓት መዘርጋት።

 2.1.Duties and Responsibilities of the Bureau

The Bureau has principal tasks of establishing an efficient, transparent and accountable organization and working system as well as building the capacities of the leadership and the implementing body both in the Ministry and the sector offices under its authority. In the light of this, the Bureau, by assessing the existing organizational system, is responsible for designing a model organizational system that will be harmonized across its sectors.  Regarding working system improvement, on the basis of the country’s reform direction, the Bureau prepares reform agents and engages them in the implementation process and monitors, supports, and evaluates the process and provides feedback.

The processes of building the capacities of the leadership and the implementing body focus on building the attitudes and skills of these two actors. Accordingly, through training and experience sharing, peer learning, and other similar means, the leadership and the implementing body will be made to have the right attitudes and develop their skills. Besides, by conducting timely performance monitoring and assessment activities, the tasks of identifying and providing support to weak performers and recognizing and encouraging strong ones and models will be done.The Bureau also prepares and implements guidelines and manuals that are capable of improving the systems of leadership and performance and prevailing transparency and accountability.
In order to be able to discharge its duties specified above, the Bureau is organized with two departments:

  1. Core Capacity, Reform Management and Force Building Department and
  2. Reform Implementation, Follow-up, Evaluation and Feedback Provision Department.

The duties and responsibilities of the two departments are presented in the following sections.

2.2 Main Duties and Responsibilities of the Departments

2.2.1. Main Duties and Responsibilities of the Department of Core Capacity, Reform Management and Force Building

The Department of Core capacity, Reform Management and Force Building has the responsibility of building the implementation capacities of the leadership and the implementing body. The main activities undertaken by the Department include enabling the leadership and the implementing body to have the right attitudes and developed skills through training and experience sharing, peer learning, and other similar means. The Department also conducts timely performance monitoring and evaluation activities with the purpose of identifying and providing support to weak performers and recognition and encouragement to strong ones and to those that can considered as models.

2.2.2 Main Duties and Responsibilities of the Department of Reform Implementation, Monitoring and Feedback Provision

The Department of Reform Implementation, Monitoring and Feedback Provision is responsible for the preparing of reform agents that will engage in undertaking activities of establishing a transparent, effective, efficient and accountable working system. In connection with this, the office performs supervising, supporting, evaluating and providing feedback activities to the implementation process of the reform agents that are employed in the process. It also identifies and analyses better practices that have been gained in the implementation so as to disseminate them to others and use them as inputs for producing better performance systems. At the same time, a system will be established and implemented with the purpose of improving the level of service delivery and maximizing customer satisfaction in the Ministry. Feedback provision activities will also be done by monitoring customer satisfaction levels.

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