2.1 Duties and Responsibilities of the Bureau
The Bureau mainly acts on urban good governance and capacity building activities; basically, as its name indicates, on capacity building related issues. It acts to alleviate the infrastructural problems of urban centers in the federal and regional levels. UGGCBB, in general, has the duty to plan, organize, guide, coordinate, monitor and evaluate urban capacity building tasks to utilize loans and technical supports obtained from donor and lender nations and organizations for urban development purposes in Ethiopia. Moreover, it gives trainings to the human power in the urban development and construction sector so that quality service will be rendered, enhancing public participation in urban works and prepares working conditions that strengthen decentralization, empowering emerging regions cities with training, and developing municipal service standards, manuals and directives and following up their implementation .
According to the present organizational structure, the duties and responsibilities conferred on the bureau are:
1. Provide capacity building trainings to cities and the ministry and arranges experience-sharing forums.
2. Prepares projects based up on the interest of the cities, and then coordinates and follows up the ways in which loans and technical assistances would be obtained from donor countries and lender organizations for urban development and capacity building purposes;
3. Follow up and support cities to be able to deliver and administer standardized infrastructure to citizens.
4. Capacitate cities to have a well organized revenue collection mechanism to provide the necessary infrastructure
5. Paves the way to public participation in urban works and prepares working conditions that strengthen decentralization.
6. Provide special capacity building programs to urban centers in emerging regions.
7. Supporting the sector’s need based efforts of human resource development activities at TVET, Bachelors, Masters and PhD level;
8. Establishing the sectors’ center of excellence so that cities will have the advantage of gaining new and improved technologies
9. Developing Municipal Service standards, manuals and directives; and then following up their implementation and Municipal service delivery performance measurement.
2.2 Duties and Responsibilities of the Departments Project and Program Organized under the Bureau
2.2.1 Duties and Responsibilities of the Project Management Department
1. Together with concerned stakeholders it will identify and discuss the various problems and conduct project preparation activities when they are approved by the higher authority.
2. Provides the necessary support and follow up for projects preparation in order to guarantee their acceptance by government, lenders and donors; and ensure their quality.
3. Provides due support for projects prepared by others government agencies working closely with the ministry in general and the department in particular.
4. Prepares project documents to obtain fund from government, donor organizations and lenders.
5. Ensures that the acquired fund will administer in line with the intended project objectives, agreement reached as well as rules and regulations of the nation and charity /loaner organizations
6. Provides appropriate support and follow up to ensure efficient and effective implementation of projects
7. Provides field oriented in-service training for leaders and professionals from beneficiary regions and cities regarding project preparation, fund administration and financial management
8. As per the need and priority of the ministry, it will conduct timely and quality oriented procurements of consultants and commodities
9. By opening letter of credits, it conducts international procurements.
2.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities of the Cities Integrated Infrastructure Development ManagementDepartment
1. Ensure that cities will provide standardized infrastructure that is equivalent to the current development scheme in our country
2. Capacitate cities to administer their infrastructure properly
3. Capacitate cities to have a well organized income collecting mechanism to provide the necessary infrastructure
4. Establish a system that infrastructures in cities will be built in integration
5. Follow up and support that infrastructures built in cities are in accordance with the environmental and social framework.
6. Establish available structure that enable to implement the integrated infrastructure strategy in cities and regions
7. Provide training on the integrated infrastructure strategy and follow-up its implementation in cities
8. Organize best practices and disseminate fund under project implementation.
9. Prepare Municipal infrastructure Grant directive and follow up its implementation.
10. Follow up the construction of infrastructures that are being built in cities.
2.2.3 Duties and Responsibilities of the Human Resource Development and Standardization Department
1. Developing human resource development strategy and programs;
2. Developing consensus on the human resource development program and implementation accordingly
3. Conducting training need assessment, preparation of training proposals, channeling education and training programs towards strengthening the sector’s execution capacity by gearing education curriculum towards need of the sector;
4. Supporting the sector’s need based efforts of human resource development activities at TVET, Bachelors, Masters and PhD level;
5. Supporting Micro and Small Scale Enterprises and cooperatives working in the sector through training in order make them competent and increase their income;
6. Conducting workshops, conferences and experience sharing events in order to disseminate urban development policy and strategies;
7. Ensuring placement of the educated and trained professionals according to their profession;
8. Monitoring evaluation of education and training programs on their contribution towards the fulfillment of mission of the sector and providing feedback for continual improvement;
9. Strengthening on-job short term trainings;
10. Evaluation and impact assessment of experience sharing based abroad trainings prior to their implementation.
2.2.4 Duties and Responsibilities of the Public Participation and Decentralization Department
1. Enhance the public awareness, their right and responsibilities and thereby enable them to be involved in ensuring participatory development and good governance through different urban agendas.
2. Empower the urban dwellers in active participation and decision making process through the formulation and implementation of different urban agendas.
3. Effectively implement the 5 year GTP by expanding integrated and public initiated development plan.
4. Mobilize the urban dwellers in the making of clean and green urban environment.
5. Celebrate the cities week by the active involvement of urban centers through the preparation of well organized plan and enable them to share experiences and best practices among them.
6. Setting workable public mobilization agendas, and organize best practices and support and follow up its expansion to other towns and localities.
7. Strengthen decentralized governance system in the urban centers and empower them to effectively exercise their power and manage fiscal issues.
2.2.5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Municipal Service Standardization and Performance Measurement Department
1. Identify the type of services that standards shall be developed
2. Municipal Service standard development
3. Municipal Service standard implementation manual preparation
4. Conducting capacity building measures for the concerned executing bodies on how to implement the developed standards
5. Implement the developed municipal service standards
6. Follow-up the implementation and give technical support to the municipality
7. Municipal service delivery performance measurement system development
– Performance measurement directive development
– Performance indicators preparation
– Performance measurement manual preparation
8. Municipal service delivery performance measurement
9. Best practice identification, specifically in the municipal service
10. Implement the best practice in the selected cities and municipalities
11. Scale up the identified best practice to all municipalities.
2.2.6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Urban Local Government Development Project (ULGDP); and the Urban Government Development Program (UGDP)
1. Capacitate cities on project planning, implementation and administration.
2. Prepare project implementation manuals.
3. Provide and deliver project implementation capacity building trainings.
4. Follow up and assure no objections of projects from lenders and donors.
5. Support cities in bid document preparation for goods, consultancy service, and contractors purchase.
6. Support in ensuring the environmental and social framework during project planning and implementation
7. Enhance cities effectiveness in financial administration and revenue collection.
8. Support and follow up matching fund for cities.
9. Initiate individuals and institutions to deliver projects that are to be implemented in the context of the urban poor.
10. Improve urban infrastructure provision.
11. Create job opportunity to assure public benefits.
12. Support and follow up contract management of cities.
13. Support cities in financial management of projects.
14. Support cities in yearly financial and project performance auditing.
3.1 The bureau’s main achievements and assignments under execution
The bureau under Capacity Building for Decentralized Service Delivery (CBDSD) program executed the Civil Service Reform Program, Restructuring and Empowering Local Governments and Strengthening the Ministry of Capacity Building.
The Bureau designed Urban Development Fund and implemented a total of 67 projects of which 46 are infrastructure building and 21 are procurements on 11 selected cities using 10 million Euro fund received by the Agreement reached between governments of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and German Federal Republic.
The Bureau coordinated and mobilized a World Bank loan of 300 million Dollars for the implementation of vast infrastructures and capacity building projects under 19 cities from different regions including Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa city Administrations.
The bureau is under implementation of 8 main and 8 pro poor projects in 8 cities including emerging regions using a 10 million Euro and 4.7 million dollar fund received by the Agreement reached between German Federal Republic and Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
The bureau utilized a public sector capacity building program (PSCAP) fund for improving cities human resource capacity by providing different training arrangements particularly urban Management degree program for more than 2100 leaders and professionals.
The bureau geared it projects towards creating job opportunity and to this day created job opportunity for more than 212 281 people of females constitute more than 41%.
The bureau in its effort to ensures social and environmental safeguard in all fund projects, it implemented Full Resettlement Action Plan and abbreviated resettlement action plan for 96 projects and for ongoing 37 projects. Additionally, full and partial environmental impact assessment was exercised for 248 projects and now under execution for 248 projects. Environmental and social screening was made to 1680 projects sites.
Provided and delivered many capacity building trainings on vast urban subjects including Capital Investment Plan (CIP), Municipal Asset Management Plan, Revenue Enhancement Plan, Environmental and social frameworks, Contract administration etc for city administration leaders and professionals.
In Its effort to standardize municipal service delivery in the country, it succeeded in designing 2 standards for consultancy service, contractors, and construction professionals; in addition 3 standards are developed for Fire prevention and control service profession. By now it is preparing 14 standards for different municipal services.
The bureau being envisaging cities future development direction created a fertile ground for sharing their experiences, to promote cities investment opportunities and sisterhood between them by designing and coordinating Ethiopian Cities week.
4.1 TVET based Occupational Standards of 8 selected Municipal services
Solid Waste Management
Urban Greenery
Water and Waste Water operation
Cemetery Mourning and Funeral operation
Regulatory Services
Document authentication and Vital Statistics Registration
Fire and Emergency services
Community Participation
4.2 Curriculum for the aforementioned municipal services
4.3 The bottom two level TVET teaching Learning Materials of the aforementioned municipal services
4.4 Human resource development implementation manuals and Directives
Human Resource Development Strategy
Cooperative training manual
On-job training and quality club structuring manual
Occupational Standard preparation manual
Training need assessment manual
Occupational competence assessment manual
Human Resource Development Program Monitoring and Evaluation manual
Municipality Service professionals’ assessment directive
4.5 Gondar Market Resettlement Executive Summary