Socio-economic characteristics Socio-economic characteristics
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4.1 Urban Economy and Role of the Town

The town maninly serves as woreda Administration center. There are 63 manufacturing

industries,46 wholesale trades, 651 retail trades, 380 service trades and 2 fuel stations in the

town. There is one bank and one micro finance (Dedebet) giving services in the town. The

average annual revenue of the municipality in 2007 was 1.2 mill Birr and the major sources

of revenue were tax and service charges.The major investment opportunities in the town are:

agriculture, Industry, hotel and tourism development.

According to CSA,  2007 economic activity rate was 43.8 for both sexes, 47.2 and 41.0 for males and females respectively. The rate of unemployment in the same year was 23.4% for both

sexes, while the male and female unemployments in the same year were 21.3 and 26%


Maychew town has economic linkages with the surrounding areas, Mekelle and

Dessie towns. The town gets grain products, livestock supply, natural resources (fuel wood and

charcoal) and  labour from surrounding areas,agricultural inputs from Mekelle and

manufacturing and  commercial products from Mekelle and Dessie.

4.2 Social and Municpal Services

Social services


There are twoአ privately owned kindergartens; one government and two private (1-4 grade)

primary schools; 1 government (1-6 grade) primary school, 4 government junior secondary (1-8

grade) schools; one government senior secondary school (9-10 grade ),  one  preparatory schoo

l; 3 Technical Vocational Educational and Training;  one  university;  one  government and five

private colleges in Maychew town. 

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