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1.1 Location

    Adigrat town is located in northern Ethiopia, in Tigray National Regional State, Eastern Tigray Zone at a Distance 894 Km from Addis Ababa, and 114 Km from Mekelle the regional capital. Its astronomical location is 140º 20’ North Latitude and 39º 29’ East Longitude.

1.2 Foundation

    The town was founded during the reign of king Sertsedengle by his victory over Dejazmach Kiflewahid. In 1613 Sertsedengle established the church of Cherqos at Chequalu. The town expanded under Dejazmach Sabagadis Woldu (1829-38).

Adigrat is one of the reform towns in the region and has a city

administration, municipality and 6 kebelles. The town has an

Integrated Development Plan (IDP), which was prepared in 2005.


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