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Debre-zeyit is located in Benishangul Gumuz Regional state, Metekel Zone, Wenbera werda at a distance of 657 km from Addis Ababa,166 km from Zonal capital Gilgel Beles ቶወነ and 560 km from Assosa  town the regional capital.


Debre-zeyit town was founded in 1943.


According to the Central Statistical Authority (CSA) projection, population of the town was 7760 in 2011. Out of this, 3711 (47.8%) were males and 4049 (52.2%) were females. Regarding age composition 2949 (38%) were within the age group of 0-14 years, 4500 (58%) within 15-59 years and 310 (4%) 60 years and above. The average household size in the town is calculated to be 4.2 in the same period.