Socio-Economic characteristics Socio-Economic characteristics
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  Urban Economy and Role of the Town

The town serves as commerce, cash crop agriculture and center of administration of Wenbra woreda.  . There are nine manufacturing industries; 90 retail; five service trades and three garages in the town. According to CSA 2007, economic activity of the town was 58%. One financial institution i.e. Benishangul Gumuz Credit Association is found in the town.

The annual revenue of the municipality was 1,147,096 birr in 2012. The major sources of revenue were property tax, income tax, rent and service charges. The major investment opportunities in the town are:- agro-industry processing, construction industry, hotel, tourism and animal husbandry.

Debre-zeyit has economic linkages with the surrounding areas, Bahirdar, Assosa and Addis Ababa. The town gets grain products, livestock supply, natural resources (fuel wood, charcoal), construction materials, surplus labor and financial institution from surrounding area and itself while agricultural inputs, manufacturing and commercial products are obtained from Bahirar and Addis Ababa.  

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