Social and Municipal Services Social and Municipal Services
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  Social services

There are one government and two private primary schools, three government junior secondary schools, one government senior secondary school, one government preparatory and one government TVET in the town.

Regarding health services in the town, there are three private clinics, three government and one private pharmacies, one government health center and one government hospital. The town has ambulance for emergency cases.

  Municipal services
Shiraro town has town hall, abattoir, and municipal cemetery. There is general market meeting on Saturdays, cattle and daily market. Solid waste is collected by private sector and disposed in open dump. Liquid waste is collected privately and six public toilets are available in the town. There are three churches for Orthodox Christians and two Mosques in the town. There are also two sport field, two museums (Megabit 20 and Amine Yohanes) and medium level hotels in the town.

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