Office of the Minister and Mini-Cabinet Affairs Bureau

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities of Office of the Minister and Mini-Cabinet Affairs Bureau are as follows:-

The main roles and responsibilities of Minsters office
  1.  Coordinate and support the Ministry’s top management and organize their

    Meeting and discussions.

  2. Follow up and report the timely execution of decisions and directions made by the top management and present execution review reports.
  3. Lead and coordinate the Ministry’s relation and communication with International Organizations, Embassies, other Ministries, other countries line Ministries and Originations.
  4. Support the Ministry’s top management and employees in addressing challenges that hinder them from discharging their responsibilities.
  5. Coordinate and support to avail convenient working environment through timely delivery of office supplies, proper budgeting and human resource.
  6. Coordinate and follow up for timely resolution of complains raised by internal or external customs and implement reforms addressing those complain source processes and procedures.
  7. Coordinate the Ministry’s decisions and activities within the ministry as well as in the accountable institutions and follow up and support for timely execution of decisions and directions made by the Ministry in those accountable institutions.
  8. Follow up and communicate with stakeholders, Development partners, Embassies and other Ministry’s and with foreign country line Ministries who has MoU.

Office of the Minister and Mini-Cabinet Affairs Bureau