Housing Development and Government Building Bureau


Housing Development and Government Buildings Construction Bureau was reestablished in

2010 in a way that enables it to contribute in poverty reduction through facilitating design of

low-cost houses,   to carry out capacity building, follow-up and monitoring, fill the gap between

housing demand and supply, to augment the saving culture of the people, improve old areas and

creating job opportunities. The Bureau is structured in 7 departments and 1 project office

organized under one Bureau head and 2 deputy heads.|

1)      Operation Department Deputy Bureau

1.1  Housing and building design preparation and implementation follow-up department

1.2  Housing, building development supply and capacity building department

1.3  Housing and building projects follow-up and feedback department

1.4  Federal government bureaux construction project office
2)      System and Capacity Building Deputy Bureau

2.1 Housing development strategy and legal issues department

2.2 Construction contract administration and effectiveness follow-up unit

2.3 Housing development finance and transfer department

2.4 Construction inputs study and support

Duties and responsibilities of the bureau include the following:

Conduct studies that enable the construction of affordable houses and devising general direction

Conduct existing housing study, technology adaptation, urban renewal and other housing development study and research

Prepare and implements working procedures (policy, strategy. program, proclamation, regulation, directives, manuals) that enable to undertake government and private housing developments in accordance with law and system

Prepare low-cost designs for construction of government projects at affordable prices

Enable the construction projects to be implemented within the expected quality, affordable price and timeframe by building capacity of stakeholders involved in housing development and similar government projects and creating full construction input supply integration support
Enable the completion of government and housing construction projects within the specified time frame, cost and quality through establishing efficient and effective construction management and quality control system

Ensure availability of finance for housing development by studying reliable source of housing finance and strengthening the saving culture of the people
Make the performance of government projects and the private sector to be effective by availing inputs important for construction works in the construction industry based on study

Provide design, construction management and input supply support for government building to be constructed by the federal and regional governments

Provide follow-up and support to complete government building projects within the allocated time frame

Build and handovers affordable and quality office construction if request for office construction is submitted by federal offices

Follow-up and provides support for assembled building parts manufacturing in technical, research, prefabricated materials production and concrete materials production and construction

Build capacity of private sector involved in housing supply

Provid appropriate support in housing development and construction of government buildings for regions that require special support

Prepare periodic plan and report regarding housing development and construction of government buildings

As shown in detail above the bureau is mainly making effort to solve the housing shortage andalso support construction projects undertaken by the government. There is gap in urban housing demand and supply. With regard to this government is implementing 3 different housing development projects.
