Construction Industry Improvement Bureau


The Construction Industry Development and Regulatory Bureau is one of the newly established bureaux with the aim of enabling the construction industry to play the appropriate role in speeding up the social and economic progress of the country. The Bureau was formed as part of the restructuring of the Ministry under the name of the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction as provided by Proclamation number 691/2010, which was issued to determine the authorities and duties of the executive bodies of the FDRE.

By adopting working approaches that help to achieve results in its sectors and with the aim of delivering efficient and speedy services, the Bureau was organized by employing the business process reengineering study conducted in the past in its new organization. This was done in a way that enables the Bureau to contribute for the achievement of the GTP, and with the name “The Construction Industry Development and Regulatory Bureau” given to it, the Bureau is made accountable to the State Minister in the Construction Sector.

With the goal of improving the status of the construction industry and making it competitive as well as contributive to the rapid social and economic progress of the country and thus raise the role it plays, the Construction Industry Development and Regulatory Bureau was organized as new with four departments under its authority.

The Construction Industry Development and Regulatory Bureau is an institution which is organized into the following four departments:

  1. Construction Industry Human Resource Development and Standards Preparation Department
  2. Contractors, Consultants, Professionals and Construction Equipment Registration Department
  3. Construction Industry Law Preparation and Enforcement Department
  4. Construction Development, Study, Research and Technology Implementation Department

2.1 Duties and Responsibilities of the Bureau

On the basis of the policies, proclamations, regulations prepared by the ministry and approved by the government and also directives and strategic plans prepared by the ministry and the major duties entrusted to the Ministry by proclamation in the construction sector, the Bureau prepares and gets approval of short and long-term programmes and projects by integrating them with the national progress and needs of the construction industry. It also controls and monitors the implementation of the institution’s plan by making sure that the departments organized under its authority are led by action plans.

The Bureau ensures that activities of implementation, evaluation and feedback provision are undertaken in order to prepare and implement the construction industry law, produce competent and sufficient manpower, conduct research and studies, and create responsible professionals and organizations.

Based on the establishment of a system of Business Process Reengineering studies and result-oriented assessments, the Bureau formulates laws and strategies that make the construction industry led by a uniform regulatory system. The Bureau produces adequate and competent manpower to achieve the set goals in the sector. Apart from its working on capacity building activities, the industry conducts research and studies in order to address problems and bridge the gaps observed in the sector. In addition, in order to produce responsible professionals and create organizations that efficiently undertake and timely finalize construction projects which are witnessing rapid growth, the Bureau carries out activities that are related to the registration of professionals, organizations, consultancies and contractors engaged in construction and consultancy services as well as in designing and building activities.

1. Major Duties and Responsibilities of the Construction Industry Human Resource Development and Standards Preparation Department

By conducting a needs analysis of the manpower of the industry and preparing a plan, the Department undertakes assessment, registration, education or training activities in coordination with other directly related governmental or nongovernmental stakeholders so as to create favorable conditions that help to make the engaged manpower competitive. The Department establishes and follows up a system which enables to monitor the implementation of the plans. In order to bridge the gap the industry has with regard to trained manpower, the Department gathers information on professionals who were found to be competent through the competence-certification assessment and organizes information on professionals who need to take skills-gap-filling cooperative training. It also gathers and organizes information and creates databases on professionals who have graduated and will graduate from universities, colleges and technical and vocational training institutions specializing in engineering, architecture, drafting, construction, urban planning and related fields.

2. Major Duties and Responsibilities of Contractors, Consultants, Professionals and Construction Equipment Registration Department

The Department sets an achievable goal which considers the needs of the industry and customers, creates a facilitated work flow and prepares an action plan to register professionals, organizations, consultancies and contractors that are engaged in construction and consultancy services and to address the observed gaps. These activities are required to satisfy the need for having responsible professionals and organizations that efficiently undertake and timely finalize their construction projects which are witnessing rapid growth.


3. Major Duties and Responsibilities of the Construction Industry Law Preparation and Enforcement Department

With the goals that are contained in the five-year plan of the construction sector, the Department of Construction Industry Law Preparation and Enforcement is currently working to broaden the objective of sector. With regard to this, the department executes the following duties or projects:-

1. Capacity building activities of the private sector

2. Capacity building activities of the supply of building materials and construction machinery

3. Activities to improve the regulatory and working system

4. Registration, building and utilization permit for machinery work

In general, the Department establishes a system for the implementation of construction laws and standards in the private sector, the construction development sector, and in cities and regions. It assesses the flow of the work process and specific activities that exist from building up to application. It mainly performs follow-up and monitoring activities by building the capacities of regions and cities.

4. Major Duties and Responsibilities of the Construction Development, Study, Research and Technology Implementation Department

The Department supplies improved and cost-effective building materials by realizing the current situation of the construction industry. It conducts intensive research and studies on local building materials. It carries out activities to make studies conducted by various bodies yield the required results and reach their beneficiaries. Moreover, the Department performs duties that enable the use of findings of construction technology research studies which are done abroad by making them compatible to the country’s existing situation.

The bureau provides the following services:

1. Contractor accreditation

2. Construction consultancy accreditation

3. Registration of construction professionals

4. Registration of construction materials

5. Protection service for construction materials against mortgage claims

6. Price estimation for construction materials

7. Permit granting services for importing construction equipments

8. Information service


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