Socio economic information Socio economic information
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Urban Economy and Role of the Town

The town mainly serves as Zone Administration, trade, tourism and transport center. There are different manufacturing, wholesale and retail trades, services, eight fuel stations and seven garages in the town. There are eight banks, micro finance and insurances giving services in the town.

The average annual revenue of the municipality was 31,795,590  Birr and the major sources of revenue were from rent, tax, lease and service charges. The major investment opportunities in the town are: commercial buildings, real state, and agriculture (in the surrounding areas).

Jimma town has economic linkages with the surrounding areas and Addis Ababa. The town gets grain products, livestock supply, natural resources (fuel wood and charcoal) and labor from surrounding areas and manufacturing and commercial products from Addis Ababa.

Social Services


   There are 33 privately and two government owned KGs; 13 government and ten private primary schools; three private and four government senior secondary schools; two TVETs; one university; one government and seven private colleges and one university. 

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