Economic And Social Charactratics Economic And Social Charactratics
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Urban Economy and Role of the Town
The town serve as administrative and market center, center of production and distribution of manufactured goods and services to the rural hinterlands. Farmers in the hinterland districts purchase daily consumables and goods from retailers in the town.

The urban economy of Negele incorporates tertiary economic activities including trade, services and tourism, civil servant and other (67%), followed by primary economic activities including agriculture, mining and quarry, forestry and fishery accounting for 30%; secondary economic activities including industry and construction 3% of the total economic activity

There are 43 manufacturing industries, 49 wholesale trades, 540 retail trades, 139 service trades and one
fuel station in the town. There are six different financial institutions giving services in the town. The
average annual revenue of the municipality was 2.6 million Birr and the major sources of revenue were
taxes, land rent, and different service charges

The major investment opportunities in the town are: trade, education, health, hotel and tourism,
construction material factory and other manufacturing, food complex and agro-processing, recreation,
tannery, poultry, and animal husbandry.

Negele has economic linkages with the surrounding rural areas and towns. The town gets grain
products, livestock supply, natural resources (fuel wood, charcoal) surplus labor from surrounding areas.
Liben, Goro Dola and Mede Walabu districts, supply cereal crops, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, root
plants and livestock products. Agricultural inputs, manufacturing and commercial products are supplied
from Addis Ababa.

Social and Municipal Services
Social services

In Negele town there are seven private and one community owned kindergartens, three primary first cycle schools (1-4), two primary second cycle schools (5-8), three primary schools (1-8), one secondary and preparatory schools (9-12), one Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) and two college level educational institutions.

Regarding health services there are one government hospital and health center, seven private clinics, four private rural drug stores and one NGO drug store in the town.

Municipal services
Negele town has public meeting hall, an abattoir giving slaughtering service for Muslims and Christians; general and cattle markets meeting on Saturdays and Tuesdays.