Economic And Social Characteristics Economic And Social Characteristics
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 Urban Economy and Role of the Town
The town serves as administration and trade center. Trade and related activities take the highest share (44.6%) followed by governmental and nongovernmental employees (38.5%), agriculture and agricultural related activities (9.7%) and other economic activities (7.3%).

There are 35 manufacturing, 36 wholesale and 159 retail trades, 88 service related trades, two fuel stations and six garages in the town. Four banks and two micro-finances give services in the town. There are 32 associations with 525 members organized and working in five economic sectors, such as urban agriculture, small-scale industry, construction, services and trades.

37 investors with initial investment capital of Birr 60.334 Million Birr are engaged in hotel, health institution, educational institution, dairy farm, poultry and groceries and created job opportunity for 165 citizens. The remaining 6 are under construction with capital of Birr 3.428 Million Birr and 20 are processing agreement with the municipality by registering Birr 70.038 Million Birr capital.

Average annual revenue of the municipality within 2006-2008 was 0.97 Million Birr and major sources of revenue were land rent, taxes and other sources. The average annual expenditure within the same period was 0.533 Million Birr and the share of capital and recurrent expenditure were 24 and 76% respectively.

Samba town has economic linkages with the surrounding areas and towns. The town gets construction materials, agricultural inputs, manufacturing and commercial products from Addis Ababa and grain products, livestock supply natural resources (fuel wood and charcoal) and labour from surrounding areas and financial facilities from the town itself.

Social and Municipal Services
Social services

There are one private, one public and another faith based organization owned a total of three kindergartens; one government (1-4 grade) schools, three government junior secondary (1-8 grade) schools, one private (5-10 grade) school, one preparatory (9-12 grade) schools, one government TVET and 7 private colleges in Shambu town.

Regarding health services there are one government hospital, three private clinics, two private drug vendors in the town.

Municipal services
Shambu town has town hall, public library, abattoir and general market meeting every day.
Solid waste is collected and dumped in four waste disposal wells. There is one stadium in the town.

There are two churches for Orthodox Christians, four for Protestants, one for Catholic, and one mosque in the town.

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