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Haromaya is located in Oromia National Regional State, East Hararghe zone at a distance of 506 km from Addis Ababa. Its astronomical location is 9°09´N to 9°32´ North latitude and 41°50´E to 42°05´E longitude.
Haromaya town was founded in 1935.
According to the National Population and Housing Census carried out in 2007, the population of the town was 30,728. Out of these 15,821 (49.84%) were males and 14,907 (50.16%) were females. Regarding age distribution 9326 (30.35%) were within the age group of 0-15 years, 19863 (64.64%) 16-60 years, and 1543 (5.02%) 60 years and above. The average household size in the town is calculated to be 4.2.