Legetafo-Legedadhi is located in Oromia National Regional State, North Shewa Zone, Barak District, along the road to Dessie at a distance of 21 km from Addis Ababa. Its astronomical location is between 9º01'29" N - 9º06' North Latitude and between 38 º 53'42" E - 38 º 55'30" East Longitude.
The original settlements of the current Legetafo-Legedadhi town were founded in 1935. Laga-Daadhii was founded during the Italian invasion and occupation as a garrison town. According to informants, when the Italians invaded Ethiopia in 1935 they settled on a hilly land owned by a man called “Basha Ergete”, near Laga-Dadhi River. After the liberation in 1962 Mulugeta Habtegiorgis who was the landlord ordered the distribution of land to those who settled from Addis Ababa through lease and Laga-Daadhii town expanded as rural-urban settlement.
Before the emergence of the town፣ these settlements had been two separate areas under kebele farmers' associations. Laga Tafoo was rural village while Laga-Dadhi was rural town in Berek District. In 1974 during the Derg regime land was distributed to the peasant farmers and extra houses were transferred to the government by proclamation.
These settlements were combined together to form a single town of Laga Tafo-Lege Dadhi in July 2006. The town also got legal recognition as municipal town under Berek District, Northern Shewa Zone of Oromia National Regional State.
Historical sources show that the town got its present name from the two major rivers called Legetafo- and Legedadhi Riverሰ bordering and passing through the town and its surrounding areas.
Based on population projection by Oromia Urban Planning Institute the estimated population of Legetafo-Legedadhi town in 2007 was 9840 at medium variant.